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Independence mumbo jumbo...

Wrong hours of office, wrong hours of food, wrong hours of sleeping, wrong hours of daily hygiene. Do all these wrongs sum up and produce a Lune? If they do, the resultant me has just entered the final stage of complete lunacy.

A night ride on the fiero Fx on Airport road…alone… offers a mystical serenity. That could probably be the absolute absence of traffic or merely deficiency of the harshness of public gaze.

Now that I have mumbled out the irresistible but worthless initial rhetoric, let me get to the point. I have not yet come in terms with my new found ‘independence’. Although I have not tried hard enough, I have presumptions that I will never be. But like with other failed ventures of mine, I will do a trial and error to find out eventually that my instincts are brutally exact.

My friends seem particularly concerned about my well being…and as a gesture of companionship, call on me at oddly hours to ask…”Dude, U cool?”
The deal really is that after they leave, the quality time I always wanted so badly with myself does not look so ‘quality’. Anyway, half of my time gets spent on experimental recipes that could give the government hospital canteens a run for their money.

Anyway, I am fighting the self imposed odds with all my vigor. Wish me luck…if at all there is something like that.


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True worthless answers

We do not know how to not understand. To be able to be in balance with our mysterious surroundings, we attribute everything beyond our comprehension to something that we can live with. When we made up the story of God, we found comfort in mystery and ignorance. By making Him responsible for everything, we seasoned ourselves not to look for answers all the time. The quest being less intense, we get on with our lives…unperturbed. Our forefathers who found religion in the beginning were indeed intelligent. Those who were dumb to fall for god and the like were not capable of finding the answers anyway. The revelation of my religious orientation should have been gradual and less cruel. But I just could not control the urge to dramatically deny what I don’t believe in. There is another theory which perfectly explains practice of religion by the most intelligent and bright people. They probably understand why it is absolutely necessary to be foolishly optimistic of His existence. It appe...